Ataash and Affluence please – The Hindu

Ataash and Affluence pleased when the horses were exercised here on Friday (Mar. 1) morning.

Inner sand:

800m: Ultimo (R. Ajinkya) 55, 600/41. Moved freely. Key Largo (P. Dhebe), Wild Thing (rb) 54, 600/39. Former ended three lengths in front. Betsy (Merchant) 52, 600/39. Moved well. Superimpose (S. Amit), Outlander (R. Ajinkya) 55, 600/41. They moved level freely. Wild Child (rb) 56, 600/42. Easy. Axlrod (T.S. Jodha) 55, 600/42. Moved fluently. Mighty Wings (rb) 57, 600/42. Easy.

1000m: Son Of A Gun (Mustakim) 1-6, 800/51, 600/38. Maintains form. Sim Sim (Merchant) 1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Worked well. Tanahaiyaan (Merchant) 1-8, 800/54, 600/41. Pressed. Ataash (Mosin) 1-5, 800/52, 600/39. Moved attractively.

1200m: Affluence (Nazil), Saifa (rb) 1-20, 1000/1-5, 800/52, 600/40. Former was superior.

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